
It is slow, it seems long. It is short. About love in time.

The very rare half moon in vertical position, during its real-time moving across the sky, observed from our globe. 


HD Color Digital Video, ambient sound, 7'24" real time, 9th September 2016


Ambientations also with participative act by the visitors, writing a love-letter. 



CYFEST 16: Archive of Feeling. A Journey, HayArt Centre, Yerevan.

VIDEOFORMES 2019, Hybrid and Digital Arts Festival, Salle Gilbert Gaillard, Clermot-Ferrand.

Nuit Blanche Paris 2018, Eglise du Saint Esprit. 

WAC Bordeaux, Museum of Modern Art Bordeaux.

loving - il mondo, l'uomo, il tempo, FulgorAzione, Arezzo, 2017.

loving, TIME is Love.10, international videoprogram, ZKM Karlsruhe and other venues, 2016.


Regina Hübner, loving, ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Medientheater, Karlsruhe, Germany for TIME is Love.10 international video program, curated by Kisito Assangni, 2017. See the ongoing program of TIME is Love.10