
Villa Grazioli, Frascati, 1994.

continuously rotating slide projection of photographs catching the glaces of R.A., M.K and R.H. onto structures, ambient and visitors.

Conceived and realized together with Roberto Annecchini (structures) and Mayako Kubo (music).

1995 Alien, Rome.

Continuous fix diaprojection of glances and hair on structures, ambient and visitors, poem.

Realized together with Roberto Annecchini (structures) and Pietro Tripodo (poem, La casta foglia).

1994 Con-sequenze

Galleria Nova - Parco di Corso Allamano, Turin, Italy.

Ambientation on air with on a tree hanging slide projection of the glances by R.A., M.K. and R.H. on structures, the performer, visitors and ambient, movement by natural factors, shadows, structures, performance, music.

Conceived and realized together with Roberto Annecchini (structures) and Mayako Kubo (performance, music).