Regina Hübner on her work loving in exposition at The CYFEST-16: Archive of Feelings. A Journey, HayArt Center, Yerevan, Armenia. 17 November 2024.
Ambientation of loving with video, environment, participative act. Brochure with text Take me to the moon (I'll see who I am) by curator Gabriel Soucheryre. With the suport of Austrian Embassy to Tbilisi, Georgia.
The CYFEST-16: Archive of Feelings. A Journey, HayArt Center, Yerevan, Armenia. November - December 2024.
Arnulf Rohsmann, conference on dear cell - research and eros on occasion of the opening of DEAR CELL at the Austrian Cultural Forum Rome, 30 March 2023.
Simultaneous translation German/Italian.
Dear Cell, Austrian Cultural Forum Rome, 31 March - 5 May 2023.
Arnulf Rohsmann und Regina Hübner - wie kommt die sprache ins/zum bild und umgekehrt?
How enters and goes the language into/towards the picture, and reverse?
Conference Arnulf Rohsmann in dialogue with Regina Huebner on her recently unveiled monument KOMMUNIKATION-BEZIEHUNG-WIRKLICHKEIT in Honour to Paul Watzlawick and her artworks related to the themes of communication and perception.
Paul Watzlawick Tage zum 100. Geburtstag von Paul Watzlawick. Alles ist mit Allem verbunden. Wege zu einer neuen KybernEthik.
Warmbad-Villach, Austria, 17. Oktober 2021.
FRAC Marseille, Amidex Aix-Marseille Université Initiative d’Excellence, Doing and Saying Science Differently - Dear Cell
Conference, Performative Act, 13 December 2019. With Constance Moréteau, Philippe Pierre, Sandrine Roulland, Regina Huebner.
Journée organisée avec la participation du Fond Régional d’Art Contemporain PACA, de l’Institut d’études avancées – Aix-Marseille, de la Direction des aff aires culturelles PACA, de la Direction de la culture de la Région Sud, du Centre national de la recherche scientifi que et des Pôles de recherche interdisciplinaire et intersectoriel d’Aix-Marseille Université.
SYNTHESE : RENCONTRE A*MIDEX « L’INTERDISCIPLINARITE A L’EPREUVE DES COLLABORATIONS ENTRE ARTISTES ET SCIENTIFIQUES » EDITION 2019 DU CYCLE « FAIRE ET DIRE LA SCIENCE AUTREMENT » by Constance Moréteau (Chargée de projet recherche et d’intégration scientifique A*Midex Foundation), Janvier 2020.
Vilnius National Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania and Mandel Center, Tel Aviv, Israel - Instant Conversation - about you and me
Performative act with Regina Huebner and Gabriel Soucheyre, June 2019
CIML Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Marseille, France. About me and you, April 2019
Visual relations of Self and Nonself in a selection of video-works. On the occasion of Regina Hübner’s project Perception of Self and Nonself in Life at IMéRA Marseille, inspired by the researchers of CIML. (Presentation)
Österreichisches Kultur Forum Rom, Italy, regina spricht, Arnulf Rohsmann and Regina Hübner, scenic dialogue, videoinstallation. 2017
Scenic dialogue between Arnulf Rohsmann and Regina Huebner about the theme of time in selected artworks.
Videoinstallation. Austrian Cultural Forum Rome, Italy, 2017.
Details at regina spricht
ZKM Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2017.
Details at Time is Love.10
MMKK Museum moderner Kunst Kaernten - regina spricht
Scenic dialogue between Arnulf Rohsmann and Regina Huebner about the theme of time in selected artworks and in relation of the exhibition time and person at MMKK. Introduction Christine Wetzlinger-Grundnig, director of MMKK.
Videoinstallation and videoscreening.
MMKK Museum of Modern Art Carinthia, Klagenfurt am Woerthersee, Austria, May 2016.
Details at regina spricht Registration at regina spricht
IIC Italian Cultural Institute Vienna - temps-durée. Zeit, Dauer und Stillstand. Il tempo come distanza, il tempo come permanenza.
Dialogue between Regina Huebner, Luca Lombardi and Arnulf Rohsmann about the concept of temps and durée and the relationship of music and art on the aspect of time.
Videoinstallation of world I with Mare, happen and unhappen with Terra and Person. All collaborative works with composer Luca Lombardi.
IIC Italian Cultural Institute, Palais Stermberg, Vienna, Austria, May 2016
Details at temps-durée.
MMKK Museum of Modern Art Carinthia - stay connected, time and person
Online dialogue between Regina Huebner, from her exhibition time and person at the MMKK Museum of Modern Art Carinthia, in Klagenfurt and persons connected via Facebook a.o. from Rom, New York, Mailand, Bozen, Wien, Graz, Klagenfurt, Bremen, Berlin, Amsterdam, Riga, Osaka, Grenoble.
MMKK Museum Moderner Kunst Kaernten, Klagenfurt am Woerthersee, Austria, 2016.
Details see at: stay connected
Austrian Cultural Forum Milan - Spazio e destino tra opera d’arte e suo autore – Raum und Schicksal zwischen Kunstwerk und Autor. Space And Destiny Between Artwork And Its Author.
Symposium for the Anonymus dedicated to Vally with Giancarlo Consonni, Gabriella Galzio, Arnulf Rohsmann, Carlo Sini. Milan, Italy, 2004.
Texts linked to the authors.
Austrian Cultural Forum Rome - L'autore si separa dalla propria opera - Der Autort trennt sich von seinem Werk
The Author Separates From His/Her Artwork.
Symposium about the Anonymus dedicated to Vally with Simonetta Lux, Luciano Perez, Arnulf Rohsmann. Welcome by Director A. Schmidinger of the Austrian Cutural Forum. Curated by Regina Huebner.
Rome, Italy, 2003.
Texts linked to the authors.